Book the Hannah Arendt Center's founder, academic director, author, and leading Arendtian scholar Roger Berkowitz as a guest speaker or author.
If you’d like to put current hot-button political issues in historical context, explore the meaning of justice and ethics, or broaden your understanding of Hannah Arendt’s legacy, book Roger Berkowitz as a guest speaker or author.
Who Should Book Roger as a Guest Speaker/Author:
Podcasts about:
- Political Theory, Philosophy, Human Rights
- Current Events
- Justice, Freedom of Speech, Democracy, the Human Condition
- Hannah Arendt/History/Culture/Relevance
- Democracy and Citizens Assemblies
- Civil Discourse, Thinking together, Friendships,
- Academic conferences
- News publications
- Scholarly publications
- Founder & Academic Director of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College
- Professor of Politics, Philosophy, and Human Rights at Bard College
- Author of:
- On Civil Disobedience: Henry David Thoreau, Hannah Arendt
- The Gift of Science: Leibniz and the Modern Legal Tradition
- Co-Editor of:
- Artifacts of Thinking: Reading Hannah Arendt's Denktagebuch (2017)
- Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics (2010)
- The Intellectual Origins of the Global Financial Crisis (2012)
- Editor of:
- The annual HA: Journal of the Hannah Arendt Center
- Amor Mundi
- 2019 recipient of the Hannah Arendt Award for Political Thought given by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung in Bremen, Germany.
- Featured in:
- The New York Times
- Bookforum
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- The Paris Review Online
- Democracy: A Journal of Ideas
- The American Interest
- And more