Edward de Bono's Thoughts on Thinking: Logic and Perception
04-01-2015“Most of the mistakes in thinking are inadequacies of perception rather than mistakes of logic.”
— Edward de Bono
(Featured Image: Edward de Bono; Source: Pensamiento Lateral)
Edward de Bono's Biography
Dr. Edward de Bono is the world's leading authority on conceptual thinking as the driver of organizational innovation, strategic leadership, individual creativity, and problem solving. Since 1970 his exclusive tools and methods have brought astonishing results to organizations large and small worldwide and to individuals from a wide range of cultures, educational backgrounds, occupations, and age groups. Dr. de Bono delivers the advanced training solutions that are greatly needed for success in these challenging times.
(Sourced from de Bono Thinking Systems)
For more information about de Bono's life and work, please click here.