History of Judaism and Its Sects
01-09-2015On a recent visit to the Hannah Arendt Library at Bard College, we came across this copy of Geschichte Des Judenthums Und Seiner Sekten or History of Judaism and Its Sects. Written by Jewish historical writer Isaak Markus Jost between 1857 and 1859, the book surveys a portion of Jewish historiography at a time when others were still laying the foundations for the new Science of Judaism. Jost wrote a number of other collections on Jewish history, including Geschichte der Israeliten seit der Zeit der Maccabaeer bis auf unsere Tage (9 vols., (1820–28)), Neuere Geschichte der Israeliten von 1815 bis 1845 (3 vols., 1846–47) and Allgemeine Geschichte des Israelitischen Volkes.