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Only Power Can Check Power
Hannah Arendt saw America’s strength in its dispersion of power, rooted in civic engagement and local governance. As executive authority expands, the true challenge is not just legal resistance but the reinvigoration of collective action. Can we reclaim the founding spirit of self-governance, or will we cede our power to those who seek to consolidate it? 02-02-2025
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Video Archives - "Revenge and the Art of Justice" (2011)
In this week's Video Archives, we look back on a lecture Roger Berkowitz gave on the relationship between revenge and justice.12-04-2014
P. D. Ouspensky on Thinking
Russian mathematician and esotericist P. D. Ouspensky provides this week's Thoughts on Thinking.12-03-2014
Please Support the Hannah Arendt Center This Holiday Season!
Please consider supporting the Hannah Arendt Center this holiday season with a donation!12-03-2014
Experience as an Anchor for Thinking
Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen discusses how the absence of experience leads philosophy and ideology into useless abstractions that ignore the reality of human interactions.12-01-2014
Amor Mundi 11/30/14
In this week's Amor Mundi, we reflect on the state of refugees and human rights, realize the need to rethink the role of Congress in formulating U.S. foreign policy, meditate on the outcome of Darren Wilson's trial, and much more.12-01-2014
George Bernard Shaw on Thinking
George Bernard Shaw provides this week's Thoughts on Thinking.11-26-2014
The Nation Principle
Michiel Bot explores Arendt's understanding of the "national idea" as one of the origins of totalitarianism.11-24-2014
Amor Mundi 11/23/14
In this week's Amor Mundi, we learn about the adverse health effects of loneliness, perceive the inextricable ties between integrity and privacy and how both are threatened in the age of surveillance, lament the overly scholasticized nature of teaching in America, and much more!11-24-2014
Video Archives - "Lying and Politics: Democracy and Lying" (2011)
In this week's Video Archives, we remember a talk George Kateb gave at our 2011 annual fall conference on the ideal of governmental transparency.11-21-2014