The Courage to Change: The Dalai Lama
06-14-2016Audio from the series, The Courage to Change, co-hosted by Joe Loizzo and Roger Berkowitz at the Tibet House in NYC on Wednesdays in June 2016.
For this segment from June 8th, Roger and Joe discuss the Dalai Lama's work, Ethics for the New Millennium (p.19-77), examining the courage to care.
"Class 2: The Dalai Lama and the Courage to Care (1 of 2)" from The Courage to Change: Timeless Wisdom for the Modern Age by Joe Loizzo and Roger Berkowitz. Released: 2016.
"Class 2: The Dalai Lama and the Courage to Care (2 of 2)" from The Courage to Change: Timeless Wisdom for the Modern Age by Joe Loizzo and Roger Berkowitz. Released: 2016.