Levy Economics Institute, Hannah Arendt Center, Economics Program, Center for Civic Engagement, Bard MBA in Sustainability, Bard Center for Environmental Policy, and Politics Program present:
Organic Beef Farmer and Former Wall Street Crusader Sandy Lewis Discusses "Why Fixing Wall Street and the Economy Is Critical to the World"
In Discussion with Bard Alumnus and Rolling Stone Political and Financial Columnist Matt Taibbi, '92
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Reem-Kayden Center Laszlo Z. Bito '60 Auditorium
7:00 pm
About Salim B. “Sandy” Lewis: With his wife of 52 years, Sandy Lewis, 74, runs Lewis Family Farm, the only USDA-certified grass-fed organic farm in the nation which breeds, raises, and markets organic, grass-fed beef. For decades, Lewis was a successful block trader, arbitrageur, investment banker, and consultant, influential on Wall Street and in Washington. He was known for his work with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In 1980, he founded S B Lewis and Company, which established Lewis as one of Wall Street’s most brilliant investors. In 1989, Lewis pleaded guilty to three criminal counts and was barred from Wall Street for life. President Clinton then pardoned Lewis on his last day in office. Lewis has written for the New York Times, Bloomberg News, and other leading publications, and has worked with journalists since 1970 to shine a light on practices he will discuss at Bard. Today, he argues that our financial system needs an overhaul. From banking fraud to grass-fed beef, from market structure to the care of the most emotionally disturbed children, Sandy Lewis will speak with candor.