Hannah Arendt Center and Bard Drone Center present:
Drones, Killer Robots and Push-Button Wars
Moderated by Roger Berkowitz
Monday, September 23, 2013
Bard MBA for Sustainable Business Space
6:30 pm
Peter Asaro is Assistant Professor; Director of Graduate Programs at the New School in New York City. He is a media theorist whose work combines science and technology studies and media theory to examine the social, cultural, political, legal and ethical dimensions of robotics as media, with a special interest in military robotics and UAV drones. As Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control (www.icrac.net), he works on the human rights issues surrounding targeted killing by drones, and arms control issues for autonomous lethal robotics. Dr. Asaro’s research has been published in international peer reviewed journals and edited volumes, and he is currently writing a book that interrogates the intersections between military technology, automation, interface design practices and video game culture.
Cocktails at 6:30 pmDiscussion at 7:00 pm
Bard's MBA for Sustainable Business
1150 Sixth Ave. 5th floor