Rage Entrepreneurs, Quantifying Human Reason, The First European Cosmopolitan Intellectual, You, Dear Reader, Are the Problem, Where Do They Get Their Ideas, Drugs, Guns, and Lonely White Men
Facebook's Reckoning, Submission, Tough Talks, Sex and the Changing Landscape of Pornography, The Tyranny of Ease, Cancelling Classes, Feckless Defenders
The Corruption of the Republic, Rumors, Scandals, and Character Assassination, Depression and the Smartphone, Big Brothers, Liberalism Off The Rails, The Trump Whisperer
Is He Authoritarian, Farce, Not Tragedy, Who Is Not A Neoliberal?, A Proposal For Reform, Talking About Female Sexual Pleasure, The Russian Twitterverse, Persuading Americans, The Unpersuaded
Democratic Facts, Revenge of the Editor, The Trolls Win, Sensitivity Readers, Casanova Meet Kant, Character Matters, The Death of a Liberal, Book Hoarders