Featured Article
Loneliness Unsolved
This article explores the modern phenomenon of loneliness, tracing its emergence as a widespread societal concern and examining its potential causes and impacts. It discusses various perspectives on loneliness, from historical to contemporary research, highlighting how societal changes and technological advancements have influenced social connections. The piece concludes by suggesting that current feelings of isolation may be part of a larger evolutionary process, as society adapts to new forms of connection and community in the digital ageArticles
Who Controls the State?
Roger Berkowitz's article examines the historical struggle in the United States over who controls the state, emphasizing the ongoing tension between elites and the working classes. He contrasts the Jacksonian approach of centralizing power to empower the people with Hannah Arendt's view that true republican freedom requires decentralizing power to prevent any single faction from dominating the state.Pickle Time
Is Germany's democracy facing its biggest threat since World War II? As three eastern states gear up for crucial elections, far-right and far-left parties are surging in popularity, challenging the political establishment. With anti-system parties potentially capturing up to 49% of the vote, traditional parties are scrambling for solutions. From neo-Nazi rhetoric to Stalin admirers, the political landscape is shifting dramatically. Could these September elections determine not just regional governance, but the fate of Europe's economic powerhouse? Join us as we delve into Germany's "pickle time" politics and the looming crisis that has experts warning: democracy is under attack. Germany's "pickle time" politics and the looming crisis has experts warning: democracy is under attack.Leaderless Crowds
Recent riots in Britain reveal the complex interplay between political grievances and emotional drivers of collective violence. This analysis challenges simplistic explanations, arguing that the core appeal of riots lies in their ability to foster belonging and power among participants. It highlights the role of misinformation and leaderless crowd dynamics in modern civil unrest.An Independent Press
This article discusses the challenges faced by The New York Times in cultivating a culture of independent journalism among a new generation of reporters, as explained by Executive Editor Joe Kahn. Kahn emphasizes the importance of intentionally building a newsroom culture that values impartiality, resilience, and the willingness to cover difficult stories, while also supporting journalists who face backlash for their work on sensitive issues.The Two Saviors Who Would Destroy Us
In Fintan O'Toole's reflection on Biden's savior complex, he observes that those who define themselves by their opposites risk becoming like them. Biden's struggle against Trump's shadow, vividly seen in his disintegration during the CNN debate, illustrates this dangerous parallelism, where Biden's attempts at differentiation are overshadowed by Trump's presence, eroding his own persona and political effectiveness.The Web of Deception
Last week I wrote about the flight from reality evident in Donald Trump’s lascivious lying and the code of silence and delusion by the President’s inner circle surrounding Joe Biden’s mental health. It is now obvious, as more information comes out, that there has been a conspiracy afoot for nearly a year to conceal the seriousness of Biden’s mental decline from the American people.What we're listening to: Victims, Villians, and Settler Colonialism
Mike Cosper explores why the West requires Israel to play by different rules when it comes to defense and modern warfare."Mafioso Politics"
Roger BerkowitzHannah Arendt insists that we look reality in the face and seek to understand even what is most strange, difficult, and horrific. In a new essay, Timothy Snyder analyzes the context of how Trump is seeking to normalize criminality and violence. Snyder’s essay reminds us of Arendt’s worry in her final essay, that “Public opinion is dangerously inclined to condone not crime in the streets but all political transgressions short of murder.”