From Our Members
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Phil Burpee is a HAC member and a semi-retired carpenter who raises cattle and keeps bees with his wife Esther on their place in southern Alberta - from which roost under the big sky he observes a churning world.From Our Members
The World According to Arendt
For Hannah Arendt, the world is born out of human activity—the vibrant panoply of fabricatedthings, the humanly cultivated land, the body politic, and so on. It is the arena for exercising
human capacities and newness, and the forum for politics and the vita activa. It is both “given”
to us (through history) and “created” by us (through action in the present).
The Atom(ization) Bomb - Hannah Arendt’s Warning, Critical Race Ideology and the Coming Totalitarian Nightmare
Seventy brief years have passed since the controversial political theorist, Hannah Arendt, published what many consider her seminal work, On the Origins of Totalitarianism (1951). Now, standing at the fiery dawn of the new Age of Victimhood, with collectivist ideology once again in the ascendency and the haunting spectre of identity politics looming large across the West, Arendt’s key insights are simultaneously as poignant and, one fears, prescient as ever.Resistance
From HAC Member Phil BurpeeLiberation is the throwing off of the yoke of tyranny, and liberty its outcome. Freedom is rather the ongoing ability to speak your mind and act openly within the cultural and political life of your community or society. The latter ought to follow the former, and it must be defended in all places, at all times, and in all circumstances. For it is never enough merely to throw off the yoke...
Hannah Arendt and the Twentieth Century
By Jonathon CatlinIn a tribute to her mentor Karl Jaspers, Hannah Arendt once said: “Humanity is never acquired in solitude, and never by giving one’s work to the public. It can be achieved only by one who has thrown his life and his person into the ‘venture into the public realm.’”