Featured Article
Taking White Interests Seriously?
By Roger BerkowitzIsaac Chotiner of The New Yorker interviews Eric Kauffman about his new book Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities. Kauffman’s book looks analyzes a double insight...
Amor Mundi 6/28/15
In our Amor Mundi, we celebrate the end of marriage inequality in the U.S., reflect on the life of Clementa Pinckney with President Obama, and much more.06-28-2015
Arendt: A Source of Independent Learning
Mark Olson shares a picture of his personal library of Arendt, whose works he used to create two independent study courses while studying in college.06-25-2015
H. G. Wells on Thinking and Grasping the Truth
Author H. G. Wells reflects on the clumsiness with which the human mind is able to grasp the truth in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.06-23-2015
Human Life and Politics in Arendt
Arendt's regard for storytelling reveals a difference between meaning and purpose, which in turn yields an important element of political and human life.06-21-2015
Amor Mundi 6/21/15
In our Amor Mundi, we identify the recent church shooting in Charleston as a speakable act, reflect on the Pope's views about climate change, and much more.06-21-2015
Expanding the Mind Through Arendt
One of our followers on Twitter reveals how it is possible to expand one's mind by reading Arendt in this week's Library feature.06-18-2015
Thomas Edison on Thinking in Solitude and Turmoil
Famed American inventor Thomas Edison reflects on the quality of thinking done in solitude as compared to that which is done turmoil in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.06-16-2015
Amor Mundi 6/14/15
In this week's Amor Mundi, we reflect on diversity of thought in the age of social media, explore the meanings and elements of computer code, and much more!06-14-2015
Dismantling the Ivory Tower of Thinking
Anabella Di Pego discusses Hannah Arendt's call to a mode of thinking that leaves behind the notion of the ivory tower at the end of "The Human Condition".06-14-2015