Featured Article
Taking White Interests Seriously?
By Roger BerkowitzIsaac Chotiner of The New Yorker interviews Eric Kauffman about his new book Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities. Kauffman’s book looks analyzes a double insight...
Amor Mundi 10/4/15
In this week's Amor Mundi, we reflect on the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump, pay homage to the writings of Primo Levi, and much more!10-04-2015
Hannah Arendt and the Will of Zeus
We appreciate the various annotations Hannah Arendt made to her copy of "The Will of Zeus" in this week's Library feature.10-01-2015
Stalinism in Retrospect: Hannah Arendt
Peter Baehr analyzes “Stalinism in Retrospect”, Arendt's contribution to Columbia’s Seminar on Communism, with respect to her theories on totalitarianism.09-30-2015
Peter Drucker on Asking the Wrong Questions
Peter Drucker offers his views on asking the wrong questions in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.09-29-2015
Amor Mundi 9/27/15
In this week's Amor Mundi, we explore the features of Nazi antisemitism, reflect on whether bureaucracy can secure liberty, and much more!09-27-2015
We Never Left: When Nixon Went to China, or when Xi Came to America
The modern Chinese state under President Xi Jinping is an exceedingly different beast than the regimes Arendt understood as inaugurating totalitarianism.09-27-2015
Hannah Arendt and America's Blood-Won Liberty
We appreciate some marginalia Arendt made in her copy of "Lectures on the French Revolution" in relation to America, revolution theory, and liberty.09-24-2015
Charles William Eliot on the Thoughts of an Efficient Man
Charles William Eliot provides his comments on how an efficient man is capable of thinking in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.09-22-2015
A Chinese President Visits the United States - Where are the Arendtians?
The People’s Republic of China is fertile territory for Arendt scholars. But, as Chinese President Xi Jinping visits the U.S. this week, where are they?09-21-2015