Featured Article
Taking White Interests Seriously?
By Roger BerkowitzIsaac Chotiner of The New Yorker interviews Eric Kauffman about his new book Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities. Kauffman’s book looks analyzes a double insight...
Sir Aubrey De Vere on Words and a Million Thoughts
Sir Aubrey De Vere comments on how one thought immortalized in ink can lead millions to think in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.09-08-2015
Even in Solitude There Are Always Two
We live our whole lives in plurality--either in public, in private, or in solitude--but even even in solitude, there are always two sides in dialogue.09-06-2015
Amor Mundi 9/6/15
In this week's Amor Mundi, we use the recently Ashley Madison hack to reflect on privacy, advocate for the rights of adjunct faculty, and much more!09-06-2015
Hannah Arendt and Environmental Activism
Ryan Butler, a student of environmental activism, shares an image of his personal Arendt library with us in this week's Library feature.09-03-2015
Welcome, Dr. Ulrich von Bulow!
The Hannah Arendt Center is pleased to weclome Dr. Ulrich von Bulow to Bard College!09-02-2015
Thomas Jefferson on the Glow of Thoughts
Thomas Jefferson comments on the value and glow of thoughts in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.09-01-2015
Amor Mundi 8/30/15
In our Amor Mundi, we recognize Pope Francis' appeal for a new cultural paradigm, reflect on the inadequacies that are evident in education, and much more!08-30-2015
Born of Necessity, Blindness, or Strategy: On Greece and the Bureaucratically Divine
Bureaucracy, as imagined by both Kafka and Arendt, embodies an ideology of necessity through which humans abdicate responsibility for their common world.08-30-2015
Hannah Arendt and The Phenomenon of Life
We appreciate several annotations Hannah Arendt made to her copy of Hans Jonas's "The Phenomenon of Life" in this week's Library feature.08-27-2015