Featured Article
Taking White Interests Seriously?
By Roger BerkowitzIsaac Chotiner of The New Yorker interviews Eric Kauffman about his new book Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities. Kauffman’s book looks analyzes a double insight...
Hegel's Thoughts on Thinking: Generalization and Ideas
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel reflects on the connection between ideas and generalization in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.04-15-2015
Amor Mundi 4/12/15
In this week's Amor Mundi, we reflect on the works of Toni Morrison and Claudia Rankine, identify trauma as a powerful corollary of feminism, and much more!04-13-2015
The Conditions of "Savages"
Michiel Bot discusses how Arendt's use of the term "savages" and "Dark Continent" in The Origins of Totalitarianism can advance our political thinking.04-13-2015
Hannah Arendt Collection: Arendt a "Who's Who"
In this week's Library feature, we reflect on how Hannah Arendt was a "who's who" in 1974-5--just one year prior to her death at the age of 69.04-10-2015
Emerson's Thoughts on Thinking: The Blossom of Thought
American essayist and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson reflects on the budding form of thought in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.04-08-2015
Amor Mundi 4/5/15
In this week's Amor Mundi, we meditate on Arendt's support for the right of social discrimination, reflect on the meaning of hate, and much more!04-06-2015
The Institutionalization of Civil Disobedience as Means of Democratization
Anabella di Pego encourages us to see Arendt's support of institutionalizing civil disobedience as a chance to evaluate our democratic institutions.04-06-2015
Understanding, Ethics, and Love of the World
A member of our Twitter community shares her personal Arendt library with us and discusses how it helps inspire her own love of the world.04-03-2015
Congratulations to the Winners of the Academic Initiative on Hate and the Human Condition Essay Contest!
We are proud to announce the winners of the Academic Initiative on Hate and the Human Condition Essay Contest and publish their winning essays!04-02-2015