Featured Article
Taking White Interests Seriously?
By Roger BerkowitzIsaac Chotiner of The New Yorker interviews Eric Kauffman about his new book Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities. Kauffman’s book looks analyzes a double insight...
Anne Morrow Lindbergh's Thoughts on Thinking: Live to Write
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, wife of Charles Lindbergh, reflects on writing, thinking, and life in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.05-13-2015
Can We Have Some Privacy?
We share a link to a broadcast by Deutschlandfunk Radio that provides some coverage of "Can We Have Some Privacy?," a conference we sponsored last week.05-12-2015
Architecture: Human Intervention of the Earth
Hans Teerds reflects on how we understand architecture as a political concern and, by extension, understand Karl Jaspers' spatial approach to thinking.05-11-2015
Amor Mundi 5/10/15
In this week's Amor Mundi, we reflect on the implications of a new French surveillance law, consider the infantalization of college students, and much more!05-11-2015
Arendt in Translation
We share a photograph of a Twitter follower's personal library that includes different translations of many of Hannah Arendt's works.05-08-2015
Khalil Gibran's Thoughts on Thinking: Faith and the Heart
Lebanese-American poet Khalil Gibran reflects on thinking's inability to meddle with faith in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.05-06-2015
Arendt on Humanity
Kazue Koishikawa challenges us to meditate on how the "political" relates to humanity and to understand why Arendt feels the public realm is diminishing.05-04-2015
Amor Mundi 5/3/15
In this week's Amor Mundi, we see the banality of evil in the trial of Oskar Gröning, identify certain dangers of social science research, and much more!05-04-2015
The Battle of Ideas: A Personal Arendt Library
We appreciate a photo of a personal Arendt library that includes, among other things, a thinking cap that is used to aid the reader in the battle of ideas.05-01-2015