Featured Article
Bigger Brain: Student Fellow Sage Saccomanno reflects
Sage SaccomannoWhen I started working at HAC as a fellow three years ago, I never expected to be starting my own business before I graduated from Bard.
About Face:
A Portrait of David Schorr’s “Hannah Arendt Center: The Centenary Prints”
In 2011, the Hannah Arendt Center commissioned the artist David Schorr to create an original engraved series of 50 prints of Hannah Arendt based on his iconic drawing that graces the cover of Elisabeth Young-Bruehl’s biography of Arendt, For Love of the World. These prints were lost for a decade, but were found and are now being made available through the Arendt Center. Learn more and join the center here.Steven Maslow, then the Chairman of the Arendt Center’s board, a student and later friend of David Schorr’s, offers reflections below on the prints, their connection to Arendt’s writing and thinking, and his friendship with David Schorr.
What we are watching: The Closer
Roger BerkowitzThis week I screened Dave Chappelle’s The Closer for some of my students. It was optional. But I was heartened that they were eager to see the Netflix special that has generated so much controversy.
What we will be watching: Speer Goes to Hollywood
Join us for a live screening of the documentary Speer Goes to Hollywood, on Friday, October 29th at 7 pm. Roger Berkowitz will be leading a Q&A session with Vanessa Lapa and Tomer Eliav about the documentary about "Hitler's Architect"10-28-2021
Agnes Heller: 12 May, 1929 – 19 July, 2019
Roger Berkowitz writes in memoriam of the holocaust survivor and Arendt scholar.07-21-2019
Ethical Questions
In an article for The Intercept, Peter Maass raises questions about when non-profit institutions should question the ethical actions of their donors.06-29-2019
What We're Reading
This week, a book review, an account of a controversial resignation, and reflections on Habermas are piquing our interest.06-22-2019
The Cartoonish End of Cartoons
Roger Berkowitz brings us an article by Tjeerd Royaards about cartoons and the political conversation. 06-15-2019
Back Row America
Roger Berkowitz looks at Chris Arnade's revelations about a different side of life in America.06-09-2019
Private Wisdom and Public Rhetoric
Anastasia Berg and Jon Baskin at The Point look at the public/private distinction among left academics, responding to...06-02-2019