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A Bulwark Against the Cult of Power
Amid a backdrop of declining religious affiliation, an unexpected spiritual awakening is taking hold among intellectuals who once upheld rationalism as the ultimate guide. Figures like Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Matthew Crawford are turning to faith, seeking meaning and transcendence in response to the profound fractures of modern society.All Categories
What we're listening to: Victims, Villians, and Settler Colonialism
Mike Cosper explores why the West requires Israel to play by different rules when it comes to defense and modern warfare."Mafioso Politics"
Roger BerkowitzHannah Arendt insists that we look reality in the face and seek to understand even what is most strange, difficult, and horrific. In a new essay, Timothy Snyder analyzes the context of how Trump is seeking to normalize criminality and violence. Snyder’s essay reminds us of Arendt’s worry in her final essay, that “Public opinion is dangerously inclined to condone not crime in the streets but all political transgressions short of murder.”